we've been rather busy these last couple of weeks...the car has served as a tractor-lol-driving those haybales from the fields to our barn.

gas is needed...yeah,that's me.

a bit of child labour...

and suddenly the neighbour's horses came for a visit! this is at 9pm- still lovely and light...

more child labour...

DS1 turned 15 on July 1st. we went to a fair and he and DS2 couldn't get enough of the rollercoasters and stuff...sorry it's the wrong way-i forgot to turn it before uploading, and haven't figured out how to do it afterwards...

this is what the fields look like...all ready to make haybales(each weighs 15-20 kgs or 30-40 lbs)

riva-the machine that turns the hay and gets it together into neat rolls like above...

hubby with the haybales...and machinery...

the barn!!! filled with dry greatsmelling hay...great for the sheep in the winter...

two weeks of hard work hauling those bales, cutting the grass, turning it(most of it done by tractor, but some we have to turn by hand because the fields are so steep) baling it, and getting it off the fields and into the barn....we have enough to feed the sheep during winter.
Now it's back to normal, I hope...
Have a nice week!
WOW! What a lot of work, but doesn't it feel nice to have all that hay in the barn? Great pictures - it looks like a lovely place!
Well that definitely makes me feel pretty lazy!
Still enjoying your serene late summer evening pictures...it's making me look forward to next summer when we plan to spend a good bit of time in Shetland (where my parents live).
I love the smell of hay. When we lived in Wisconsin when I was younger, I loved to go outside when the neighboring farmers had freshly cut or baled hay. There is something comforting and homey about that smell.
I am fascinated by the way smells connect memories.
All of your pictures are stunning, as usual. You have a lovely family and home.
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