all done, exept for the buttons- I don't have any stash, so I need to buy some. The colours are hideous, but I like it, and it fits! pattern was found in a norwegian magazine called Familien, but it is a Drops design,# 100-29,a free pattern. Drops has plenty of free patterns, and most of them seem to be translated into English or German. The yarn I used for this is Gjestal Bomull Sport, a 100% cotton, 50g/100m, tension 23 st=10cm. I've added extra lenght,since I am rather tall, and I knitted the largest size. Started June 5th, finished July 11th.
Then there is my longterm project...the FISHblanket... I decided on using 5 different colours in blue and green, and make stripes,so I'm sewing them together as I knit. I use Gjestal Østlandsgarn, pure wool on 4mm needles. I get -nearly...-3 fish out of one 50g ball of wool.... 2 fish is approximately 20x20cm, so there is still a long way to go-LOL!
Some more fish, with eyes and everything.
And if I have given you the impression that we have only sunny, warm weather, lovely sunsets, and lots of light around here....well, here's todays view....
Have a nice day!
btw: at this time we do have long light nights...if it is clear. But the sun has turned, so it's getting darker every day. The fog doesn't help...
Your "bee jacket" is cute and the colors aren't hideous. Get the right buttons and it will bring it all together so that you will love it even more.
Glad we aren't the only ones who get lousy days, lol.
Have a great week and your daughter is a cutie pie.
Likte jakka di kjempegodt, eg.. fargane og alt!
Og fiskane blir kjempefine, trur eg liker oppskrifta "di" betre enn den eg brukte(og så blir jo dine så store!).. Å sy dei i hop undervegs er nok VELDIG lurt!!! ;D Gleder meg til å sjå det ferdig(uten å mase, altså..)
Ps: Regnvær er heilt ok det, i alle fall når ein har måtte spare på vatnet i tre veker.. ;)
The "bee jacket" is coming along beautifully. You should have fun picking buttons. A what a pefect model your daughter makes!
This picture is lovely...Maybe even better than the others. The sunny, crisp beautiful days are all gorgeous and your photographs never fail to impress me but I do love foggy grey days.
I love your 'bee jacket'! I think we need a picture of you modeling it :-)
also love the colors that you have chosen for your fish blanket. That looks like a lot of knitting!!!
Your view is beautiful, even on a cloudy day!! (And cloudy, drizzly days are perfect for knitting!!)
Here in southern Norway the rain is still coming & going--the strangest, wettest summer I've ever known *sigh* The "bee jacket" is very sweet! And so is your daughter! I've been subscribing to Familien since living here...Lately I'm bored with it, even the craft projects don't seem as exciting. What do you think of it? Happy weekend to you & yours! :o)
You know, the cold fog and mist is just as lovely, in a different way. I think when you have nordic blood in your veins, you can appreciate this. A good wooly sweater and your all set for that weather.
Beautiful daughter - great job on the jacket!
The fish blanket is adorable.
I love the retro colours and style of the bee jacket...I'd totally wear it!
Your fish blanket is really cute too...was this a tessellation inspired knit?
Så flotte farger du har valgt til fisketeppet ditt! Kjempefint med de grågrønne lappene innimellom alt det blå, det gir teppet helt egen karakter!
Ellers var det masse lekre bilder her også - du bor på et lite, men nyyyydelig sted! Nyt sommeren!
Thanks for taking the time to say Hi at my blog! The scenery where you live is absolutely gorgeous... and I'm loving the fish blanket! I am looking forward to reading more of your blog!
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