DD2 and I got some yarn yesterday, at a sale, and after seeing
Sandie's dishcloths the other day, I remembered that I had the
pattern for this one... When I first found out about and started reading knittingblogs, it amazed me that people would actually put so much effort into a dishcloth!!! There were so many beautiful patterns in blogland,and I couldn't understand why they wouldn't MAKE something out of it, something REAL- like a BLANKET- not only a dishcloth that would lie crumpled on the kitchen sink...well, I started what I call my "dishclothblanket". It will not be done for a long time...no pictures, I have forgotten to take any. But back to the dishcloth. I'm a bit curious...is it possible to actually USE a cloth like this??? I will have to give it a try. So I knitted this yesterday while babysitting our friend's sick daughter,while mum was picking up the rest of the kids at her parents, and dad was fertilizing.
I don't get the hang of short rows. The stitches gets too big. Sandies cloth is a lot prettier. And a lot more even. And is made in a much better yarncombination. But it was fun to see how the colours turned out! The ball of yarn didn't seem quite as bold as the finished cloth. I used nearly the whole ball (50g/70m) for this cloth. DD2 started knitting a towel.

Mr.Black, Tussi and Lady Gray are all relaxing...He came to meet me and walk me home tonight- quite a gentleman he is, my Mr.Black! A good friend calledat 10:15pm and asked if I would join her for a walk, and I went. We walked up the mountain along the main road, it is pretty steep, but went okay. I will feel it in my legs tomorrow though-LOL! When we came back down, after a nice walk and nice talk, Mr.Black was waiting for us at the parting point- she would continue straight ahead, I had to turn left...and he walked home with me! Funny creature. We also met a hedgehog on our way. I haven't seen any in years, but this year we have seen them almost daily! And they are cute!

When we first came to look at this place, ten years ago in August, this view is what met us, and it still amazes me every time I come down the mountain. Rain, sun, overcast, even fog- it still is stunning.Every time. This is not the best picture of it, but it was taken tonight, around 11pm, so it is today's view.

Have a nice day- and perhaps a long weekend ahead?
I love the dish cloth. Anything hand made - even a dish cloth, is something special. I love the way the colors worked out on it. I just make boring old cotton squares.
Love the view - and the cats are so adorable. Have a great weekend.
I love to use knitted dishcloths (I use them as bordtuska) instead of store bought. They are better quality and prettier, plus that's about my only knitting that actually gets used!
I am so amazed that my little "dishcloth" inspired you. What a lovely compliment. I think you did a wonderful job knitting yours. The colors are so bright and lively. I see happy dishes ahead, being wiped with such a lovely dishcloth. Actually, they work very nicely. Soft and absorbent. Great for wiping down the counters etc. I use them all the time. I never would have thought of making a blanket with them though. Smart thinking.
Have a great day. :)
Takk for nominasjonen, kjekt at du liker sida mi ;) Har ikkje komt så langt at eg har fått gjort noko med det enno.. men muligens i morra? ;D
Liker meg godt her hos deg, skjønner godt at du blei nominert av to personer.. Ha ei fortsatt fin helg!
I think your dishcloth is wonderful. I love the colors. I think dishcloths are great, small projects, perfect for learning new techniques and stitches etc.. maybe that's why people put so much effort into them? Plus they cheer up dish doing and make great gifts.
Sounds like a wonderful walk, and good for Mr. Black. I think they are incredibly smart animals!!
Mr. Black does sound like the perfect gentleman. How lovely for you to be greeted by a "friend" on the return from you walk.
Love the dishcloth, the colors are fab.
Hi thanks ffor sharing this
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