...hedgehogbabies! There are 6 of them living under the big stones/rocks that hubby has put along the road down to the seahouse. We knew we had 2 big ones, two different of size- but today when the kids went down for a swim, they almost tripped on these little ones. They are sooo cute! I am a bit obsessed with hedgehogs,I guess...
At first we saw only two. Then they found some more, and finally all six of them.
And DD2 is all set to pick them up...using ovenmitts...They were a little bigger than tennisballs, and the kids had a great time taking photos and also filming them. I tried to upload a film, but it wouldn't work- they had taken two small films with the hedgehogs- one where DS1 even spoke English! I think he planned on posting it on youtube...
It's a funny thing- when I sit in my chair knitting, I have a long post planned in my head, with excellent writing, good stories and a punchline...then it all sort of...fade...

But I AM doing some knitting-LOL! This is Andrea's design DiamondGirl. The yarn(a substitute) is a blend of wool, cotton and linen, and I guess it wil be pretty warm...but I really like the design, and the quiltstitches are both easy to do, and nicelooking. I've been knitting it for some time, it is an inbetweenknit, but there isn't much left now.
And then there is the MS3 ... I decided to lengthen it. I plan on using it as a tablerunner on my diningroomtable, which is 3m long and 1.60m wide, and ovalshaped... I'm nearly done with the lengthening,and then it is only to finish clue 4. I wonder what she has in mind? My guess is that it will not be the same at both ends. That doesn't bother me, because I can always knit another half that looks just like this part, and graft them together at the middle. I also wonder why we should put in a lifeline? To be honest, it took me some time to figure out what a lifeline was...I blame it on the Norwegian schoolsystem- we learn pretty well all those random things like travelling in English, or shopping, or ordering food- but not any of the really important in life- like knitting terms!!!LOL.

I have never used a lifeline before, (it doesn't show in this picture, because that was taken yesterday, and the lifeline was put in today), and I really wonder why it had to be put in such an odd place? Next clue coming out on Friday! But before that- the next Sockamania will hopefully be on my needles. After I started blogging, I knit a lot more than before, and I have learned a lot of new things. Socks knitted toe-up? Never heard of it. Lifelines? Never heard of it. Figure8- cast on? Totally unknown. Sewn cast off? Ehh? Magical loop? Knitting socks on 2 circs? Sorry, that is all new to me. And I have always considered myself being an experienced knitter... It is FUN to try all this new stuff! So thank you all for writing and sharing!
Tussi and Mr. Black are so cute togehter.
Your shawl is wonderful!! I hope to get mine started sometime this week.
Isn't it great fun to learn new things? Especially in knitting.
Have a great week and thanks for the nice comments on my bags.
What fun for the kids to discover hedgehog babies! My kids enjoyed the pictures.
I swatched recently using that same quilting stitch and really liked the effect.
Oh! those hedgehog babies are so cute. I don't know much about them, but I always think that they look so cute.
Love your shawl too.
So cute! I can't wait to show my 10 year old the hedgehog pictures. He loves nature and animals... and the pictures on your blog! (So do I!)
Those hedgehog babies are so cute!
I never did a lifeline either, I've got to figure it out before I get to that point.
Soooo sweet! I love hedgehogs! How lucky you are to have a family of them!
Oh my goodness, those baby hedgehogs are just too cute!!!! I think I would probably spend far too many hours watching them!! Your knitting is amazing! The shawl will be a gorgeous table runner.
ps. I think there needs to be a Knitting Terminolgy 101 course in every language that is taught!!
Those hedgehog babies are adorable. And you MS3 is beautiful. I am just starting clue 4 but I have been working on it today.
Hei! Pinnsvinbabyane er kjempesøte, men eg synes no kattane er like søte, eg då.. ;) Mine katta hata synet av kvarandre, var ikkje mulig å ha dei i samme rom.. *ler*
I'm tagging you to list 8 random things about yourself and then tag 8 others. Obviously if you've already done it, or don't care too, then disregard this!
Hedgehogs are such wonderful creatures. We don't have them in Singapore and I really feel like the kids have missed out.
When I was at school someone would always bring a hedgehog in they had found and try to put it on the nature table!
I love the nature photos on your blog, makes me homesick for Europe.
Thanks for the comments on my blog
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