Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Stadskipstunnel - animasjonsfilm av Nordwest3D

Hi! Just wanted to share a little movie about the tunnell that might be built here- it's a ship's tunnell, it's been planned for decades, but nothing has happened so far... It'll be built on our land...if you look closely, you will see the yellow seahouse!
Have fun:-)

Bare et lite innlegg i "kampen" om Stad Skipstunnel...hvis den kommer, så vil innslaget ligge borti sommerfjøsbeitet vårt. Følg med, så ser dere den gule sjøbuda vår!
Kos dere:-)


Terry said...

That is so amazing! I imagine it would take a very long time to build it if they ever did get around to starting it.

Ruth said...

For et prosjekt! Jeg har ikke hørt om det før, men det må jo bli et digert prosjekt.

Hyggelig å "se" deg igjen foresten. Jeg har tankt på deg.

aimee said...

That was very interesting! Thank you for sharing.
I have never heard of a ship's tunnel before but it makes sense given the dangers of the area. The Pacific NW too is known as a dangerous area for ships due to storms, sandbars, etc.
Will the tunnel take only part of your land?

Houseelf said...

Hia Marit, wow that is some major engineering project! Will it make your quiet home a lot busier with boats or will the entrance be some distance from you?

YarnThrower said...

I watched the video - That is incredible! I've never heard of a ship's tunnel...

Caroline said...

Hi Merit! What an amazing plan. Were they saying that cruise ships would be through it. I just can't quite imagine it. Would you want them digging up your land? What would your sheep think, ha, ha?

Sylvia said...

Kjære deg
Jeg visste ikke at du hadde mistet pappan din. Sender deg en varm klem.

Mrs Moog said...

Oh my goodness, that looks like a huge project that could have a massive effect on your land. Let's hope it takes a while longer for them to actually do it!

Joyce across the Pond said...

My goodness that is just amazing! What a time saver when it is your lifetime? Having been to Norway I fully realise how great this would be.

Rani said...

That is incredible. Really remarkable. I am also curious what you think. I mean, on one hand it sounds like this will really make a difference for the shipping economy, but on the other, changes your sleepy little valley quite a bit.

Thank you for posting it. I have relatives that will find this all fascinating.

Anonymous said...

That looks amazing! Maybe one day, it will become a reality. :) What would you think about that?

Keep well :)

Heidelweiss said...

Crazy. It looks amazing. I, too, am wondering what your feelings are on it. Your land is so beautiful now; do you think it will take anything away from that? Will it be beneficial in any way? Our previous house will be torn down in a few years for road construction. It makes little difference to me because I don't live there anymore but I know many of the people in that area are furious. However, we do live in a city and things are growing. We can't expect things to stay the same forever. Anyway, I hope all is well in your part of the world :).

Jane said...

Hi Marit! Came by from CaffeineGirl. I used to live on the west coast of Norway so have really enjoyed looking at your pictures. Savner Norge veldig mye av og til!
So sorry for your loss. Take care.
Klem fra Jane

Ragnhild said...

Ja, dette har de snakket om i årevis - kanskje allerede da de dro båtene over land? ;) En stor forbedring for skipstrafikken! Det blir litt av en trafikk forbi vinduene dine dersom dette realiseres en dag... Stor klem vestover

aimee said...

Was just thinking about you and wanted to stop by and say that.