I've titled this post WIP's- work in progress- and believe me, I have both wip's and finished objects...after not blogging for so long, the pile is high! My regular computer is still acting weirdly, so I'm using DD2's laptop. She uploaded the pictures from my camera before she left to visit a friend, and I've been looking through them. Not ONE single photo of any knitted item!!! Not one!!! So I guess I'll have to post again tomorrow...
ButI have some other wip's- a few fourlegged ones. I've just been to Selja to check on the sheep, and finally found them. They were doing fine, they really seem to like it out there!
We've been away a few days too. My sister's daughter was confirmated last Sunday, and we went home for the festivities. It was really nice to be home again, but it's a long trip...900 kilometers each way, we drove for 13 hours south on Thursday, and another 13 hours (actually 14...)back on Monday. It was worth it though. The confirmation was held in "my" homechurch.
I did some knitting at home too, but it was mostly about eating cake...
When we came home again, I finally started something that I've wanted to try for ages...being inspired by
Sandie and Suzanne, amongst others, I wanted to learn spinning. And I wanted to do something with my own wool. So last Fall, when we had sheared spælsauen, I kept the coloured wool, and sent the white one to the manufacturer's ( Nortura...) I sent roughly 50 kilo, paid the shearer NOK 1200,-, and got paid nearly NOK 1000,- for the wool...
Soooo, I filled the sink with hot water and some wooldetergent and soaked the fleece.
Sandie and Suzanne, amongst others, I wanted to learn spinning. And I wanted to do something with my own wool. So last Fall, when we had sheared spælsauen, I kept the coloured wool, and sent the white one to the manufacturer's ( Nortura...) I sent roughly 50 kilo, paid the shearer NOK 1200,-, and got paid nearly NOK 1000,- for the wool...
Several hours later, several waters and rinses later, the water was clear, and the wool ready for drying. It took a couple of days to completely dry the fleece. Now it sits on the washroomfloor ready for some carding and spinning...and my DD2 wants to both card and spin with me! I don't have a wheel, but I hve a spindle. My sister's husband's uncle made a spindle for me, and also combs for the wool. I bought handcarders at a thriftmarket last summer.
Sooo- let's see if I get back tomorrow with some actual knitting to show off!!!
Have a great day:-)
(oh, btw- I asked some time ago if anyone was interested in doing a Pay It Forward? HeidiBean signed up, does anyone else want to participate? I promise to make you something and send you within a year. There are still two spots free? tell me in the comments if you want to participate. And HeidiBean, please send me your adress: my mail is: maritkoATmsnDOTcom. )
Hi, Marit! Love to see the children...and the sheep and all that wool goodness! Your tablecloth is lovely...and your corner there to sit in--perfect for knitting. ;O) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
Hooray! You're back! Sure - sign me up for pay-it-forward. . . but what do I do? Do I send something to someone?
Så hyggelig at du blogger igjen. Jeg har savnet bloggen din.
SÅ mye herlig ull! De mister vel ulla snart her også og går rundt og ser halvpåkledde ut. Jeg plukker med med noe av den når den ligger rundt omkring, den er fin til å lage efekter i toving med. Og helt umulig å få kjøpt. Kanskje du kan selge noe av den?
Spinning høres spennende ut. En av Tantene spant sin egen ull og jeg klarte å unngå å lære det. Man er utrolig teit når man er ung.
Kanskje "lapper" er nioe for meg? Jeg har gitt opp å få til quilting, menjeg har hauger av stoff som jeg kjøpte den gangen jeg trodde jeg skulle begynne med det! (meg og hobbyer!!) Jeg kunne trenge noe duker til å ha ute på hagebordet. God ide!
Gleder meg til å se hva du har strikket. ha en super uke.
Hey Marit! I'm so glad you're back :). I can't believe the amount of wool! I'll bet it will be so much fun when you spin it. Can't wait to see ;). I'll send you my address for the pay it forward (heidibean is also me). It should be fun.
What a beautiful part of the world you live in. And those lambs are just adorable! Can't wait to see the spinning. I haven't stumbled into that addiction...yet....
Takker for helsinga. Har nok vert innom bloggen din før. Med dei vakre bildene frå Selja, så skjønte eg plutselig frå kva kant av "landet" du bodde på. var litt kjent i nærområdet eingong...
Ha ei flott veke.
Så synd at dere har mistet noen søyer da! Men ellers ser det jo ut til å stå bra til både med firbente og tobente hos deg!
Så masse deilig ull! Det må være moro å kunne strikke ett og annet av egne sauer! Jeg hadde en skikkelig ulldag i går jeg også, men det var blant geiter og inspirerende damer i Svartdal...
laaangt unna vakre Selje, men utrolig vakkert der også!
I was all excited when I saw you had new photos, fully expecting some of the Poppy Socks. Ah well, maybe next time - but the lambs are very lovely!
And all that fleece? Can't wait to see the result from that!
Have fun cleaning and carding the fiber.
I am still trying to get all my llama done. I am using a drum carder at my LYS and it is still a long process. But the fiber is so luscious that it is worth it.
Just wish I could do the fiber justice when I spin it. I am a new spinner and so far not so good. :)
Welcome back.
Hia Marit the wool looks so beautiful. There are fibre workers out there who like to work with just the silky slightly curled end pieces I think for felting decoration.
The lack of wool price is the same in the UK. It is so good that you are trying to use your own fleece it is more beautiful in the natural shades than the white ones the industry wants to use and then dye a natural shade.
Good luck with the carding- a rotating carder is a lot faster than the butter pat style ones. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
I love the album that was playing when I was reading your blog (Eva Cassidy) -- very relaxing, and one of my favorites on my iPod...
So fun to see the sheep! Interesting to see how you're working with the wool. I don't know anything about it, but I think spinning would be fun; it is good learning for me to watch how you process the wool!
Det er flott natur desse sauene dine vandrar i. Kan godt forstå at dei likar seg. Fin duk du har sydd til vinterhagen! Ha ein flott 17. mai der ute!
I love when you share pictures of your sheep. I can just imagine running my fingers through all of that wool. Does it makes your hands feel soft?
Welcome back to blogdom. I've been out of commission for a while too.
Hi Marit,
have missed you and your photos. Making something from your own fleece will be amazing - very special - can't wait to see your spinning.
I cannot wait to see what you make with your lovely fleece. Your sheep are just amazing and so beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing their photos full size. You are so fortunate to have them.
You did very well in washing your fleece too. I'm proud of you. I have yet to learn how to wash the Alpaca fleeces I bought. But I'll find out. I'm determined!
Have fun...... :)
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