Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a little update!

Thanks a lot for all your comments and good luck- wishes on my last post!!! Miss TM is doing very well indeed, and so are her siblings and parents. It was a nasty scare, but she has recovered nicely. Thank God for guardian angels!

My kids are all well, and on winterleave/half term? this week, which means sleeping till noon, and playing with the computers till dawn-LOL! DS1 came home from school on Saturday, and ordered.... pancakes!... for dinner. No beef or pizza, just pancakes with blueberryjam.

The computer is getting better, but I'm having problems uploading pictures from the Kodak camera to the blog. Maybe I have to start reading the manual...?? Right now I'm having trouble uploading any pictures at all....

The boys are out fishing, the girls have friends over, I'm knitting (now that's a surprise...)There are even some things finished!

Have a great day:-)


Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

I´m so glad your god daughter is all right. The bag is very cute.

Rani said...

Are these great big puffy American pancakes? With blueberry jam! YUM! We always use maple syrup.

Is your son going to school on a boat?! That looks fascinating.


Det er lenge sidan eg har kommentert på bloggen din, trur eg. No har eg lese om guddattera di og det som skjedde med henne, og at det heldigvis gjekk fint! Uhyggeleg når sånt skjer, og fantastisk når det endar så godt! Her har vi vinterferie og kosar oss heime. Masse tid til handarbeid! Ha ei fin veke!

Knitting Linguist said...

That's great news, and it sounds like you're having a wonderful day. Enjoy!

Anne said...

How nice to have everyone home. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, and good news that the child is well.

I can so well relate to DS1 coming home and requesting pancakes with bluberry jam for dinner. I'm an old lady, and I still enjoy pancakes with blueberry jam for my dinner on occasion too. :)

Enjoy them while they are home, but don't let them hog the computer every minute........hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hia Marit, oh that is a relief- her parents must've been scared witless. Yes we had a few odd hours over half term with newly recovered children. It's the strange lure of computers. LOL They are now back at school but son was keen for pancakes yesterday.

I can't wait to see what you are knitting when you've sorted your camera out. I hope it goes well.

blueberries in the fields said...

hello marit :) i am happy to see everything seems to be doing great. well, except for the computer, but that is just material stuff. enjoy your time with the family home and these peaceful times knitting. Oh, i feel i just want to cuddle near the fireplace andknit all day too :)
warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Heisan Marit!
Takk for besøka hos meg, og der var du jammen tilbake igjen. jeg har vært innom her flere ganger, men litt stille har det vært.....
Så flott at det gikk bra med lillesnuppa. Sånnt er bare sååå skummelt, og det er noe ingen foreldre vil oppleve med sine barn.

Heidelweiss said...

Glad things are going well! Hope you have a great week end ;).