DD1:You're not going to wear that, are you??? Not in public? I mean, people might see you!
Me: of course I'll use it. I need a hat like that.
DD1: but it's ugly! What might people think??? You're nuts!
Me: Sure I'm nuts. I'm your mum.
DD1: hey, mum?
Me: mmm?
DD1: It is actually kind of cute...;-D
Have a terrific weekend!
(photos taken at
Selja, on Thursday. More on that later- in the not so distant future- I hope...)
Eh. Barnet mitt forsvant med lua mi, han. Etter å ha fortalt meg at jeg "så teit ut" i lue.
Jeg syns lua di var flott jeg, fin i den er du også. Ha en super helg.
I think it's very cute, and it's so neatly done too. You look very nice. What do kids know anyway??
It's not kinda cute; it's really cute and you are too:)
Syns den er skikkelig kul!
Go helg :)
It's VERY cute, and what a good sport your daughter is to admit that ...
Fin lue med ugler - og de ungene, er de ikke sånn, da? Ihvertfall når de rekker en viss alder - og kanskje jentene synes vi mamma´er er ekstra treige iblant.. Faren er dust og jeg.. vil ikke si det;-)
Det hender jeg svarer - "gla´ i deg også:-)" og det pleier å hjelpe på langtidshumøret.
Forresten, så fint med musikk på bloggen - jeg er ny i bloggeland og ble da imponert.
En fin helg til deg!
I LOVE IT! It's really cool! I love the colors you choose and the textures. I just may have to copy this pattern! It looks GREAT on you!
Too funny! And she might borrow it from you one of these days.
I absolutely love it! Not embarrassing at all ;). I would totally wear it. Must make one soon.
Hia Marit lovely to put a face to your name. I am still not that brave. :-)
Yes your conversation is very familiar now I am a parent of teens (How did that happen I still don't feel like a real grown up?) to whom how things look are important. I go more for comfort and warmth.
You may end up having to share your beautiful hat. The good news here is now they have grown bigger than me, I get to root through their cast offs. :-) Guess who is the new owner of a pair of Dr Martin boots in lilac with snowflakes on? Happy days.
Selja! Skulle gjerne vært tilbake der igjen.
Og lua.....kjempetøff :-)
Your hat is adorable! Love it!
High praise that your daughter thinks so, too!
Stilig hue!! Slett ikkje grunn til å vere flau.. :)
I like the hat, and that totally sounds like my 13 year old!
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