Tuesday, October 21, 2008

...more lace...

Thanks for all your nice comments on my last post! That's what I really like about this whole internet/blogthing- all the connections, all the nice and creative people out there!

My daughter is a happy 13-yearold, and she came home from the footballgame on Saturday, and they had won. So on Wednesday they are off again- leaving right after school, and coming home late. She's not going though, we're going to Måløy to meet DS1 onboard the ship. They are sailing, from Stavanger to Ålesund, and all the way down again. He told me last night that he should be on engineduty from 2am to 4am...

It was also the night of the first "proper" storm we've had this fall, so I wonder if he's been seasick...?

They call this trip a recruitingsailing, and friends of Gann and other interested are invited onboard. 10th grade from school here are going Thursday to see the ship.

The Swallowtail Lace Shawl is done. It IS a quick knit, I used only three days. It's not quite as big as BeeFields, but it turned out bigger than I thought. Blocking might have a central part there...

Evelyn Clark's Swallowtail Lace Shawl
Yarn: pt2 from Raumagarn 100% wool, 50g/165m. Used nearly 3 balls.
Needles: 4mm. Or perhaps 5mm? Don't remember. It's been 3 days since I finished it!
I knit it as stated in the pattern. I saw some shawls over at Ravelry that had be n enlarged, but wasn't sure how much yarn I needed, so I decided to stick with the pattern.
I like this yarn a lot, but I think I like Lamullgarn better.

Lily of the valley-pattern.

This is probably the most accurate colour.
Weather outside is lousy, there is no chance of taking any pictures, so this one will have to do:-)
The moving wool tried to grab a few bites to eat, but then it started raining buckets again, so they disappeared into the woods. They stand still, head lowered, shoulders up, not very happy. Almost time to bring them inside.
I'm off for another cup of tea and some more knitting- there's a pair of socks on my needles...
Have a nice week:-)


Judy said...

Lovely shawl -- only 3 days!! Wow, you are back in your knitting groove. I still need to make a shawl. I have started several but evidently not the right one as I keep frogging them.
Hope DS1 wasn't seasick.

Ruth said...

Nydelig sjal og nydelig farge. Når du sier; 3 dager - mener du da at du strikket i 72 timer uavbrutt? For det måtte nok jeg ha gjort. Men jeg ble kurert etter det ene sjalet jeg strikket. Jeg tror ikke hjernen min tåler det.

Moving wool! (ler)

Her er de ute hele året og jeg kaller dem "Soggy sheep".

Mary B said...

That is so pretty! You have convinced me to try that pattern since yours came out so quickly -- I'm sure it will take me 3 weeks. Lovely color.

Anonymous said...

Nydelig sjal!! Og eg håper du har festa klesvasken godt, for her bles det visst opp no på kvelden *ler*

3 dager høyres lite ut, men eg blir nesten frista til å prøve.. ;)

(takker for ullbildet!!)

Knitting Linguist said...

Your swallowtail is gorgeous -- and only three days! I've got to put that one on my list o' things to knit...

Anonymous said...

Jeg er kjempe"impregnert", hvordan går det an å strikke noe så flott på 3 dager? Det er herved bekreftet: jeg er ei somle!
I dag har jeg begynt på skinn-kurs, kjempeartig. Du har kanskje huset fullt av skinnfeller du som "vasser" i de levende utgavene?
Skjønner at du har sønnen i marinen, det har jeg også hatt. Han var ombord i KNM Narvik, den er gått i opplag nå, museumsbåt i Horten. Turene gikk langs hele Norskekysten og til Svalbard. På tokt i Middelhavet var han også som vervet matros. Det var en tid med masse opplevelser,og han syntes det var flott å komme på så eksotiske steder helt gratis, og som matros godt betalt. Det var en tid jeg fulgte godt med på værmeldingen! Det er nå allerede 6-7år siden.

Heidelweiss said...

Oooh! I love it. The color is amazing. How fun that you get to see your son! I'll bet you're so excited. I'm sure he has his sea legs and wasn't bothered by the storm :). One can hope. I can't believe you knit that in only three days! You are unbelievably talented. Have a great week.

Tracy said...

A most beautiful shawl, Marit! And the peacock blue color yarn is gorgeous...well done! I am amazed how quickly you knit it, as it looks complicate. It's been stormy off and on here...We did end up having to take the old pear tree in the garden down--before another storm would take it :o( Hope very much your DS1 is fairing well and not too seasick ;o) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))

Terry said...

That shawl is just beautiful! I can't imagine knitting anything, but especially not something as delicate as that! It really is lovely! :0)

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Your Swallowtail shawl is just gorgeous! I can't believe it only took you 3 days! That's amazing :)

I think lace shawls are my favorite thing to knit and wear.

Mrs Moog said...

Your shawl is beautiful Marit and I'm amazed that it took just three days!!

I hope your boy wasn't seasick! Engine room duty at 2am doesn't sound like much fun to me but I bet he's loving it :)

A belated Happy Birthday to your beautiful new teenager too!


YarnThrower said...

Three days to knit a shawl?!! WOW!

You cracked me up with your term "moving wool" :-)

Rani said...

Sounds like a cozy knitting weekend. you know, I've been working on my first lace stole for over a MONTH and I'm not done yet.

Your shawl is so pretty. I love the music that plays on your blog as well. Very relaxing.

Anonymous said...

I love your lace knit shawls! Sorry to hear about the storm. We've had a hail storm already so I wonder if we're in for a harsh winter in the UK.

I've got socks on the go too as little Christmas Stocking fillers.

Anonymous said...

You definitely have a knack with shawls. Every one is a treasure. And that lovely "new teenager" looks to be a treasure too.

Take care and keep well. :)

Anonymous said...

Jøss, i alle dager - bare 3 dager på noe så fantastisk!!! Jeg syns jeg bruker en hel evighet på noe så enkelt som Levina-sjalet... Hatten av!
Og sjømannen? Hadde det topp, kan jeg tenke meg!
Pass på de små vandrende ulldottene dine så de ikke krymper ;DDDD

Tonje said...

For noen flotte sjal du har strikket siden sist... 3 dager??? Er det mulig??

Anonymous said...

Lucky lucky me to be the owner of the shawl :-) I LOVE it!