Time to slow down, time for reflection, it is finally advent. My knittingspot has been transformed into a neat, tidy, quiet place, with the adventstar, candles, and a few angels. On Saturday I got a white azalea for the green pot too. And yesterday the vet and her son came over for a cup of tea in the morning, and we sat out here.

I like these weeks before Christmas. I like to prepare the traditional food, I like to bake, I like to make presents and write Christmasletters, although I haven't been very good with the letters the last four years...What I DON'T like, is standing in line with lots of people, walking in crowds trying to find too expensive gifts to people that has too much already, listening to noisy "music" in every store...
Britt-Arnhild is hosting an advent party over at her blog, I'd encourage you to go over and read her daily reflections- and the comments too (and the commenter's blogs...)- it's a great way to find the true spirit of Christmas.

I am knitting, at least a little bit. The angels are felted, and turned out great. My kids saw them drying and said: That's one for each member of the family! (I had made six in different sizes) So I guess I'll have to make more if I want some to give away..
This green stuff is a blanket- or actually I've used a doily pattern and heavy yarn (Alfa), on 7mm needles, it is not very big, but will be perfect as a lapghan, I think. We'll see how it looks when it is blocked. I need to finish it pretty fast, because I only have one set of 7mm needles, and DD1 needs them, she's going to knit a teacozy as a gift before Christmas! (I'll help her a little, it is a pretty quick knit...)

The days are getting shorter, and it is dark when the kids are off to school in the morning. We saw a tiny slice of the moon this morning. It is freezing cold, and they went off literally in T-shirts and sweatshirts...DD1 didn't even need her hat...they might be true Norwegians (ref. my last post...-LOL)

I'm off to feed the sheep. Have a nice week.
I stand by my comment about the hats! Your knitting spot looks lovely and if you don't mind, I'm going to imagine myself coming to have a cup of tea with you later this afternoon ....
Your thoughts about Christmas season are just like mine! We live so far apart, but our thoughts are near!
I enjoy your blog very much. Can I join you and Anne for a cup of tea, too?!.........
vonnie in us
Your felted angels are beautiful. I know what you mean about the weeks before Christmas. I love decorating the house and baking Christmassy things.
I'll be having a cup of tea with you too!
What lovely pictures! Christmas must be beautiful where you are. My children went to school today in ski jackets--it must be down to 65F here today. (They are natives of Southern California, after all.)
The knitting looks great!
I think I have the same star hanging in our window! (We bought it in Iceland)
Eg misunner det litt den strikkekroken, altso! :) Når det gjeld broderier så har eg ikkje så veldig tålmodighet.. hehe.. det er derfor dei lyse vantane til Pinneguri fekk større blomar i midten og mindre detaljar over det heile.. ;)
ps: er veldig spent på korleis det går med lapghan prosjektet ditt! Har tenkt tanken sjølv òg, men har alltid blitt distrahert av oldemorsrutene.. :)
Thanks for sharing the blog site with the Advent info. Every year I try to do advent and get side lined by all the commericialism. What bothers me is that by Dec. 26th everything is over (at the malls) when it's really just begun. Too bad we don't exchange gifts then or even later.
I love the felted angels! they turned out great. I'm with you in trying to keep the Reason for the Season first and foremost. The craziness drives me crazy! :-)
I've missed a few posts and am just getting caught up. LOVE the Norwegian temperature post... too funny!! (There are lots of Norwegians in Minnesota who will enjoy that!!)
Your knitting spot does look so cozy, and the angels are beautiful. One of these days, I am going to make the leap and do some felting.
I really agree with you about Christmas getting too crazy if you let it. I'm trying just to enjoy the season. I sometimes let myself even stress about my Christmas knitting, worrying that I won't finish gifts I've planned to give, but I'm better about worrying about that too.
Hei Marit.
Så koselig du har fått det i strikkekroken nå i adventstiden.
Ha en fin dag., jeg har fri idag og koser meg med kaffe, sjokoladekake, gamle juleblader og adventsmusikk :-)
A lovely post, Marit...I feel much the same about this time of year...A time of reflection, remembrance, celebration, love...This can be a hectic time, but also a wonderful time too. Happy Days enjoying...((HUGS))
I love the angels. What did you use for a pattern, or did you just make it up as you went? I love Advent and taking time for enjoying the season.
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