My daughters, Vigdis age 12 and Åshild age 10, decided to make Christmaswreaths for the front door. They bought a few supplies at the florist's on Monday, and came back from school yesterday and headed for the forest. I asked them to bring moss and pinecones too, but they had no need for that(haha) so they only found some greens : spruce and pine. Then they transformed the kitchenfloor into a workarea...(there are spruceneedles everywhere...) They had great fun, and did a good job.

It was fun knitting lace on big needles! I've made lace doilies for years, but never with this kind of yarn, but after seiing brooklyntweed's blanket- and also this (scroll down to Oct.21st- she does have some other great projects too!), I decided to give it a try. DD1 had picked this yarn for a poncho, but she's a strange creature and told me the yarn was scratchy(???) so she didn't want anything out of it....
Size? It isn't blocked yet, but it stretched out to approximately 130 cm (or 50 in). There are around 100 rounds. The pattern said 86, but I did something different, because I thought it wasn't big enough. I might do it again, but with a different pattern.

Have a great day:-)
Så flott det vart, både teppet og dørkransane! Kjekt at jentene dine er så kreative.. :)
The shawl is are the wreaths.
That afghan is just beautiful! How fun to make a giant doily. And the girls' wreaths are wonderful. What a great addition to the holiday decor.
It's a beautiful afghan, and the girls did a great job with the wreaths. How nice, too, that it was their idea.
The afghan is beautiful and I love the colour. Your door wreaths are lovely too - clever girls you have there. Hi sheep - enjoy your breakfast!!
Such beautiful natural decorations--really bringing the outdoors in! Your shawl is splendid--gorgeous pattern and color! Put your gett up and enjoy the tea...Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
What fun thing to do with your little ones. I remember making wreaths when I was young too. Lots of fun, and they smell so good too.
Your blanket is absolutely amazing!!! I love it. Very nice lady. Very nice!
Take care. :)
The afghan is beautiful. And the girls did a great job with their wreaths. We gathered pinecones for our wreath and I told my son that you put them on the radiator to get them to open, he was so impressed with how they opened up.
Wreaths that you made yourself from cuttings around your house are much, much better than the store bought kind. I've never seen a pattern from knitting lace on large needles - but I like the idea and the afghan. Thanks for sharing
Your girls' wreaths are both beautiful. It's so much more special to have handmade Christmas decorations on display. The best I've done is to make a few "German" paper stars with my daughter for her class's Christmas tree at school.
Love the wreaths. They look great on the door! Such a great Christmas project. The afghan looks beautiful as well. I love the pattern!
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Wow! It's beautiful! I love the green color, too.
I thought it was amusing to see one girl in a hat and fleece and the other in a tank top. That's how my husband and I are. I wear sweaters and layers and he wears t-shirts and claims the house is too hot!
The wreaths turned out great!
Hei Marit!
Koselig med sånne juleforberedelser. Hos oss har juleforberedelsene så langt bestått i å rydde vekk saueskinn ;-)
Jeg har byttet blog, og nå finner du meg på
Og jeg har tatt meg den frihet å legge deg inn i lenkelista mi, så jeg har litt lettere tilgang til bloggen din med alle de nyyyyyydelige sauene :-D
Tell your daughers that I love their wreaths. If I lived closer I would ordered one, or may be Marta could make one together with them :-)
Så koselig med kransar - dei var kjempefine. Og teppet var jo nydelig!
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