Monday, November 05, 2007

nice weather for knitting...

Of course I should have shown you the rains...and rains...and rains...I'm getting worried the kids will develop swimfeet just like the duck... A good thing about the weather, is that it is okay to not do anything outdoors(exept for gathering and marking the sheep,deciding which ones to keep and which ones to sell to the slaughterhouse, which we did on Saturday. In the rain. With all that wet wool....) So I've finally blocked my poncho! And DD2's poncho. And the one I made for her friend. Wonder why I didn't do it sooner? It softened up the wool( the yarn is not superwash, but I threw it in the washingmachine on 30C and woolcycle, and it came out great.) So now it only has to dry!
THIS will be a hat, I'm using Koigu and Cassie's Loksins! socks. I'm planning on knitting it like
Farmor did with this. DD2 is also a knitter, she's making a scarf for a friends birthday. Boring to knit garter stitch, but she has only a quarter left, and then we'll put on the rest of thr fringes and some crocheted flowers. I made a pair of fingerless gloves and a

calorymetri to go with it, knitted in Gjestal Babyull. I used almost exactly 50gr, on needles 2.5, for a small 10yearold. Only lacks buttons and a few flowers out of tha Kitten Mohair.

And finally:I don't know how many times I've tried to upload this photo...the mittens I made for two small friends. Selbumittens are always popular, and fun to knit.

Off to feed the sheep, and knit some more, I'd like to finish the hat before the weekend.

Have a great week, with perfect weather:-)


Anonymous said...

Lots of fantastic knitting you're sharing here today! That is one good thing about the rain--good excuse to be in and knitting--LOL! Here in southern norway it's all a wash-out with endless rain. I think the whole of Norway must be covered with a gigantic black cloud today. Happy week to you all ((HUGS))

Rani said...

WOw! And to think that I'm proud if I finish a pair of socks within a month!

And I love those Selbu mittens. They look tricky, but I may have to try a pair.

Stay warm!

Gudrun Johnston said...

Wow you've been so productive! Great job on the mittens.

Anne said...

What a lot of gorgeous knitting! And farm life details too. I'm happy -- thank you!!

Janice said...

Great knitting photos!! Thanks for sharing! Yes, rainy days are nice for knitting and lots of rainy days means lots of knitting!!

Anonymous said...

Hei Marit.
Du strikker så fantastisk mye flott.
Jeg har med meg hekling for å hekle litt på toget i ettermiddag :-)

Judy said...

Such lovely knitting, but then what else would we expect from you. :)
I LOVE the second hat of Farmor's that you showed.
Brave, Mr. Black! He did very well protecting his terriory.

Kristy said...

Oh wow! Your mittens are beautiful. I will never cease to be amazed by the intricate handknit mittens. Strangely, I feel no pull to knit them - just to admire.

Anonymous said...

Hei !
Har en liten hilsen til deg i bloggen min !
Så produktiv du har vært i det siste da !!! Masse flott, tror luen blir lekker ! Synes at luer blir litt mer kledelige når de får den doble kanten som oppbrett.
Ønsker deg solfylte dager !

Grip dagen said...

På denne kommentaren står det Marit sa til Marit... He, he. Kjekt med ei navnesøster!
Du verden som du strikker! Synes nesten jeg hører klikkingen fra pinnene. Men ser av bildene at du bor nok et stykke nord for meg, så det skal godt gjøres å høre deg helt ned hit.
Ikke rart du får inspirasjon til strikking når du er omgitt av levende garnnøster på 4 bein!
Lykke til videre!
Hilsen... M A R I T

Bai said...

Eg er imponert over produktiviteten din - eg har ikkje tid til å lage så mykje, sjølv om eg gjerne skulle ha hatt det.

Anonymous said...

Hei! Uff, har vert litt fraverande ei stund, men eg har vore innom her, altso.. :) Forhåpentligvis tek det seg opp att no når eg er komt i hus..
Ponchoane dine ser så varme og gode ut, og eg er veldig spent på den hua(har aldri prøvd å strikke bremen først på den måten).
Ønsker deg ei riktig god helg!