In September it is time to collect the fleece and the lambchops again. A neighbour, Alf, called me on Friday to tell me that the sheep- or some of them- was on a mountaintop quite close to home. He lives on the other side of the mountain, and we bought our sheep from him 9 years ago. He helps us to butcher some every year to keep for ourselves, and he always has one or two himself. Anyway- he called. The weather was quite okay, at least it was not as foggy ad rainy as it had been for the last weeks, so I decided I'd better go have a look. I left at 10am. The colours were gorgeous. These are my favourites- golden, yellow, orange, brown, greens....

Hiking was pretty hard- due to aforementioned rain. There is a lot of moors and heather, so I felt my feet were sinking with every step. And I walked and walked and walked...

I had to open the gate at the top, it was a bit foggy, but not too bad, so I decided to continue.

Snow on the mountaintops...
And I walked and walked...and it started to rain. And hail. And it went from okay to tolerable to bad to worse, a real storm, with a lot of wind, raining heavily, occasionally hail, thunder and lightning. But I had seen the turning back was not an option( actually I was as far away from home as possible...)
And this is were the wool has been summervacationing!
Did they want to come home? I don't think so. I found 30 here, they went in front of me, and turned left where they should have turned right. Stubborn beasts!
I eventually made it back home again, at 6:30pm.... I have never ever been so cold, so wet, so tired in my entire life!
The sheep? They are still up there...all 70 of them...
Have a relaxing day:-)
Wow, it sounds like living in a story book. Heidi, maybe? I know the reality is a lot of hard work.
I'm wondering if you have a sheep dog? Sounds like it would come in handy.
Those stinkers! But what an adventure, Marit! Amazing!! Here I sit, driving my kids in my mini-van, washing dishes/laundry, and reading what you did . . . WOW. (and you're doing dishes and laundry, too!) I wish I could have walked with you, but alas, I would have turned and run at the first sound of thunder. It was probably beautiful though.
Great story/great pictures!
Oi, det høres ut som litt av en dag. Sikkert flott å være i fjellet på denne årstiden, men ikke så lenge da.
Håper at du har fått varmen i deg.
These photos are amazingly beautiful, and looking at them set me right into the perfect mood for autumn! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us! And these splendid photos--such a wonderful, wild place you live in! Happy Days :o)
Ser ut som de har hatt det same været som oss ;)
Men no er alt så mykje betre, i dag har sola vore framme og vinden har løya betraktelig.. Deilig!!
Sauer kan vere både sta og utspekulerte.. Håper formen er betre no! Ha ei fortsatt fin veke!!
Får så lyst å dra på fjelltur når eg ser slike bilete - hadde endå ryggen vore betre. Flotte bilete, då!
God helg.
He, he... Sauer kan vel være ganske sta. Ihvertfall i flokk. Ville nok være ute og leke litt lenger ;-)
Lykke til med sankinga når du bestemmer deg (eller de bestemmer seg) for å ta dem hjem!
Takk for hyggelig kommentar!
Har full forståelse for at sauene ikkje vil heim i dette været(eg helde nesten litt med dei, akkurat no).. *ler*
Koser meg med bloggen din òg, gleder meg til å sjå bilde av ullsankinga(når sauene berre kjem heim)!
Ha ei fin helg!
What a great contrast you created.
Before you got me to being completely jealous of your incredible scenery, you pointed out that you have an incredible amount of work that goes with your scenery. It's still beautiful, though I think I prefer enjoying it while being warm and dry!
That last comment was me. I guess I was on my husband's account.
Eg har tagga deg. Sjå bloggen min for detaljar.
Oh goodness.. what a hike!! I'm sure it is usually a very beautiful, enjoyable hike, but weather can do funny things to a perfectly good hike!! Nothing worse than being chilled to the bone; wet and tired. And then the beasts wouldn't even come home. The nerve!!
Do you use a sheep dog or two to help? I hope you succeed soon before the weather gets too bad. Lots of good exercise though!
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