Here are my facts...
1. I don't like boats.When I was around 14, my sister and I went fishing,we used the motor on the boat, started and restarted and filled the whole darned thing with gasoline...I got so mad I just rowed all the way back(and we used nearly two hours!) Dad was really getting worried, as it was getting darker and darker...We have a couple of boats here too, only small ones, but Hubby would love to have a big one...
2. I don't have much education exept for those 9 years we had to go, and then I went to agricultural school for two years. I was determined to be a farmer when I started at 16, and even more determined that I would never be a farmer at the age of 18...and look where life got me-LOL!
3. After returning from my aupair-job in California, I started school again, wanting to be a goldsmith. On the very first day-after walking around the whole school, it was warm and a lot of people-we gathered in the classroom,all students stuffed together, me in the back.And I fainted...probably my most embarrassing moment so far:-( I quit school only a few weeks later, but not until I'd made the cross in the picture. It is silver, and every student had to make one- not for religious purposes, but because there are so many angles that needs to be just right, so it was a great practising piece! Someone in the class put on the hemp and then mailed it to me while I was in Iceland.

5. There are city counsil elections in Norway in less than two weeks...I'm on one of the lists, as #5 (4 years ago 4 from my list made into city counsil...)
6.I spend waaay too much time on internet!
7. I've been knitting for ages, but after discovering knittingblogs and free patterns and all that neat stuff online, I've been knitting even more! And this time documenting it in my "little black book"...
8. I don't drink alcohol at all, I settle for CocaCola...
There you go. Please feel free to give your own list!
Have a nice day!
It is so strange to see a post from 8/29 when it is still 8/28 here! :-)
Very interesting random facts. Isn't it funny the twists and turns that life takes. Always an adventure!
Thanks for sharing we know you a little bit more!
Tee hee hee! What fun facts. And in regard to your 'being alone' - you're doing exactly what I'd do. Have a quiet cup of tea and start knitting (oh, and I'd enjoy YOUR view!)
ps. Oil Rig!!! You MUST post pictures from an oil rig in the north sea! The closest I've been is a ride at Epcot (Norway) in Disney World where the Viking ship your riding on, ends up in the North Sea passing under an oil rig . . . and the ride was impressive, I can't imagine the real thing!
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