Not complaining about the weather today:-), it's sunny!!! Mr. Black just jumped up on my shoulders, so I sit here screaming while he sharpens his claws-LOL! He is wrapping himself around my neck, trying out different positions...
I got a phonecall on Monday...the neighbour's daughter is getting married on Saturday. I had helped with a dress for one of the bridesmaids- the bride had dresses sewn for her 5 nieces in Africa when she worked there this Spring, but a couple of them were completely wrong sizes:-( so she was very disappointed. With a bit of ribbon and some extra fabric, it did turn out okay, and she was happy.
But back to Monday... the bride's mom called.. the bride and her maid of honour (MoH) had been to every shop within 3 hours drive of here, and had still not found a dress for the MoH! They were sligtly starting to panick- the wedding less than a week away, and no dress! Could I possibly sew one?
Needless to say, I jumped at the challenge. Sewing is so much fun, but I've never sewn "proper" clothes for an adult. They found fabric and notions, and came here around midnight on Monday, found a pattern straight away (I'd spent a couple of hours together with my DD2 going through all my magazines, picking out suitable patterns.), so I traced it, and cut out the pieces late,late into the night. Did some sewing the next day,mainly nesting it together, but she didn't try it on until Thursday morning- and she loved it! Still had most of the sewing left to do though! She came back for a final fitting in the evening, and then we adjusted the lenght, and now she came to pick it up. They were both really happy about it, and I have to say I was rather relieved too! It looks stunning on her! I hope to get a proper photo of it tomorrow, she was in such a hurry today I forgot...
Still very little gardening going on, but I picked my first strawberries of the season today! Mmmmm. We hired people to do the baling for us, it was done two weeks ago, but there is still some that should have been dried. So far we've had only two days in a row with sun...or without rain! ![]()
In April, one of DD2's best friends got a baby sister, and we had to find her a gift. Baby blankets that can be thrown in the washer is always useful, so DD2 helped tracing the motifs onto white cotton, I sewed them with triple stitch (it's all machineembriodery!), and then we picked the fabrics for the squares. It all came from my stash, and most of it is actually second hand. Polyester batting, and cotton backing. Machinequilted first,..but that looked too simple, so I handstitched around the squares. I've probably broken every quiltingrule there is, but it was fun!
...all sorts of animals...
...but no sheep on the blanket, they are at the island. These photos were taken the last day in May, when we went to check on them and count. There should be 19 lambs out there.
Two of the mothers were running away from us...
Sooo, that's what's been going on for the last few days....lots of sewing and now it's baking. We've promised to help out at the wedding, so it will be a loooong day! Church at 12 noon, dinner at 4 pm, coffee, dancing, food again one leaves until well after midnight-LOL!
Have a lovely weekend!
Kortversjonen på norsk....jeg holder på med baking også til bryllupet imorgen, naboens datter skal gifte seg, og vi skal hjelpe til med serveringa...har sydd kjolen til forloveren, jeg fikk telefon på mandag om jeg kunne gjøre det, de kom med stoffet rundt midnatt, vi tok mål og plukka ut modellen (heldigvis en enkel en!)og så fikk jeg tegna mønster og klippet samme natta. Tirsdag var det tråkling, og så fikk vi besøk:-), torsdag ble det prøving, og masse sying, og ny prøving på kvelden...idag var det overlevering (og så sydde jeg ei lita veske i resten av stoffet...)- og kjolen passa flott! Skal prøve å få tatt noen bilder, med innhold!) imorgen. Kakene blir så som så, ser jeg...
Men det har vært mye sying i vår. Ei venninne til yngstedattera (snart 14) ble storesøster i april, og da måtte vi til med presang. Åshild tegnet og tenkte, jeg sydde motiver på bomullsstoff, og så fant vi litt her og litt der til firkantrutene. Det meste er gjenbruk, gamle sommerkjoler og sengetøy. Prøvde å kvilte med maskin, men endte opp med å sy for hånd rundt hver eneste rute! Har garantert ikke fulgt lappereglene, men moro var det lell!
Det var mye dyr på babyteppet, men vi har jo noen levende også. Svartekatta klatrer opp og slanger seg rundt halsen min, klørne er ikke heeelt gode! Vinterstid er det helt greit, for da har en jo tjukke gensere og gjerne kjeledress i tillegg, men nå var det bare en tynn bluse:-D
Og så har vi lam på Selja. Bildene derfra er tatt siste dagen i mai, den dagen det var fint vær! Vi har fått 19 lam der ute i år, og det er jeg fornøyd med. Skal bli moro å se hva som kommer hjem til høsten.
God helg!